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Returning J-1 Exchange Scholars

J-1 Exchange Programs

Scholar Returning Application

 Bellevue College sponsors these J-1 Exchange Visiting Scholar categories: Professor, Research Scholar, Short-term Scholar, and Specialist.




Never Have a BC NetId/Email Before

Contact Global Initiatives to have a J-1 Returning Scholar Application program added into your ISSP account and to reset your password. Then Apply!


Step 1: Email Global Initiatives &
Re-Activate Your ISSP Account


Step 2: Log into Your ISSP Account &
Start Returning Application


(More information:

Already Had a BC NetId/Email?

If you have already had a BC NetId/Email when you were at BC last time, log in here to start your Returning Application.


1. Click on the "Scholar Returning Application" button below
2. Choose the "Log in with your Bellevue College NetID" option
3. Log in with your BC Email login information (i.e., your BC full email address and your BC Email password)
4. Start your Returning Application


Scholar Returning Application